8+2 Things About My Mother

Today is my sainted silver-haired mother’s 82nd birthday. In honor of this very special occasion, I thought I would tell you a few things about her. I was going to tell you 82 things about her, but then I realized that was probably a little excessive. So I decided to tell you 8+2 (10) things about her instead.  And, here you go –


  1. She paints amazingly well. She loves to paint winter landscapes in oil and acrylic.  She loves Currier and Ives.
  2. She has the neatest handwriting of anyone I know and has often threatened to disown me when she sees my signature.
  3. She does needlepoint and makes up geometric designs just in her head without sketching them out or anything.  I’ve never been able to figure out how she gets them to turn out right.
  4. She has a crush on Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, and she cried when Patrick Swayze died.
  5. She loves to read romance novels, especially Westerns by Dorothy Garlock and Linda Layle Miller.
  6. She loves romantic comedy movies, as long as the people aren’t too mean to each other.
  7. She loves the Gaither Gospel Group and will sing along quite enthusiastically at times (it’s a little startling).
  8. She spent every single afternoon at the nursing home with my father for 2 1/2 years before he died.
  9. Her favorite movie musical is Summer Stock with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly.
  10. She loves her whole family very, very much.   And we love her back.  Very much.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

(I guess now I’d better go let her know I posted about her all over the Internet. I’m sure she’ll be pleased.  Not.  LOL )


  1. Your mother and have have the SAME favorite musical! 🙂 I love your mom – tell her happy birthday for all of us!

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Ann: She baffles me – yes, she loves Summer Stock, but she hates The Pirate. How can you hate The Pirate? Hello! Gene Kelly in shorts!

  2. Happy Birthday, Betsy’s Mom!!!! (waving hi!)

    Betsy, your mom sounds perfect…like her daughter. 🙂

  3. Great tribute to your Mom!!! Like her daughter, she sounds pretty remarkable! Happy birthday, Betsy’s mom!!

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Lynda K: Thanks, Lynda! She had a pretty good day – but she wasn’t too thrilled to learn that I’d posted about her. LOLOL