Betsy’s Excellent Adventure Begins

So, you may or may not know that I am attending the RWA National Conference.  This event has been preceeded by much anxiety, but today I left with Bookseller Ann to the BIG city – New York City!

We decided to take a limo because we don’t live far enough away to fly and the bus didn’t appeal. And no WAY am I driving in New York. 

Thank you, limo driver, for getting us there safely! 

Oh, look!  We’re getting near the city!  Woohoo!

Oh, no!  Will we get there?  Will we get through?  Will we stuck in the tunnel? 

Never fear!  After a few tense moments, the limo driver weaves through traffic (scary – I kept my eyes closed) and delivered us safely to the hotel! 

The hotel is quite massive and looks just a little bit like a scene from a Star Wars movie.

 The room is very, very high up.  It doesn’t have a view of Times Square, but it’s close enough!

Hey, look at all of the little people down there.

After settling in a little bit, I met wonderful people from Harlequin’s digital team who led me on the path to digital righteousness, and taught me a lot of stuff.  Then it was time for the Literary Booksigning.  500 authors. Open to the public.  Mass hysteria. Dogs and cats sleeping together.  Think I’m lying?  Look…

But it was awesome because I got to meet Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart, Nalini Singh and many other wonderful authors.  I had some complete fan girl moments, spent way too much money (for a good cause), and go many autographed books.

And now here I am back in the hotel room, blogging, Facebooking, tweeting, and looking forward to Day 2.

More to come….


  1. I am having a fantastic time with you,my friend!

  2. So, so jealous. Thanks for the report. So exciting!

    Wow, on that hotel. I’d get vertigo. 🙂

    Have fun and keep the reports coming.

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Shirley Wells: Hi, Shirley! Yeah, this hotel is something, isn’t it? I was afraid to try to take pictures down into the lobby because I felt like I was going to drop my phone….and maybe fall on my head. It’s really fun when you’re in one of those glass elevators watching the floor move away from you. Or towards you, for that matter 😀

  3. Looks awesome and fun! Thanks for the update!

  4. Great photos, Betsy.

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Elise Warner: Thanks Elise! I’m being such a geek about the pictures. Thank God I can take photos with my phone so I’m not completely obvious. 😀

  5. Wow, Betsy, look at all those people. That’s just part of the excitement of being at the national conference. In all the maddending throng of people, you get to meet some of the most fantastic fans and authors. It makes the whole trip worthwhile. Have a blast and keep those of us left back home in the loop.

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Kathy Ivan: I know, Kathy – that booksigning was CRAZY! But then you’re just walking around saying – “wait a minute, that’s…” I mean, when I was eating dinner yesterday, Rachel Gibson was on one side of me and Eloisa James was on the other. I tried not stare. 😀

  6. Thanks for sharing, Betsy! I’m living vicariously.

  7. Wendy Soliman says

    Thanks for sharing. It’s almost like being there.

  8. thanks for sharing, Betsy. It sounds as if you’re having a great time, and I’m very envious.

  9. Thanks for sharing Betsy 🙂

  10. Fab photos! Thanks for helping me live vicariously.

  11. I can just FEEL your excitement! Keep the blogs coming 🙂 And have fun!

  12. Betsy Horvath says

    @wendy @Shelley @Janni @Jenny @Rachael – It’s been such a good experience so far – and so nice to meet other Carina Press authors. I’m very tired – but happy. LOLOL

  13. Julie Moffett says

    Thanks for sharing!! Have an awesome time!!

  14. Rae Renzi says

    Betsy, thanks SO much for sharing. So fun to see through your eyes (all the way from Texas). I’ll keep checking in, ever hopeful for more fun!

  15. Betsy Horvath says

    @Julie and @Rae. Thanks! It’s really been fun. I have more pictures to post, but now I just realized I’m running behind. I’ll post later today. And I hope to take pictures at the Carina party / HQN ball. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am being a complete geek 😀