HOLD ME Countdown – FBI Quiz Answers and a Winner!

18  Days to Release Day!


First let’s do the important stuff.  Who won the Amazon gift certificate?

I chose the name in a very scientific manner.  I had 12 comments – remember it didn’t matter if your answers were right or wrong, anybody who commented was entered to win.  Anyway, I wrote everyone’s name on a piece of paper, crumbled them all up, shook them well, and had the name drawn by a non-participant (all stages of the process were documented).

And the winner is:

Cristina Genna!

Congratulations Cristina!  Send an email to betsy AT betsyhorvath DOT com to claim your prize (and let me know the email address where it should be sent). Many thanks to everyone for playing, and I hope you all had a good time.

Okay, now on the answers to our quiz.

1. When was the FBI founded?

A – 1908

B 1929

C 1935

The FBI was originally called the Bureau of Investigation and was founded in 1908 during the presidency of William Howard Taft.

2. The FBI motto is:

A First, Best, and Invincible

B Deal Fairly, Bear Witness, and Investigate

C – Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity

The motto is on the FBI shield logo

3. How many field and satellite offices does the FBI have?

A 50 field offices, 420 satellite offices

B – 56 field offices, 400 satellite offices

C 60 field offices, 450 satellite offices

There are also some foreign liaison offices, but I didn’t count those

4. How many FBI Special Agents are there?

A 11,000-12,999

B – 13,000-14,999

C 15,000-16,999

There are currently 13,948 FBI special agents (not as many as you’d expect)

5. How many FBI Special Agents are women?

A – over 2000

B over 2500

C over 3000

A vast improvement, but perhaps there should be more.

6. When was the first female FBI Special Agent hired?

A – 1910

B 1945

C 1972

 The first female agent was Emma Jentzler.  Now that I look at the reference again, it says “1910’s”, and it sounds like she was employed around 1917.  Her husband was a special agent as well.

7. How many female agents were employed at the FBI when J. Edgar Hoover died?

A 25

B 10

C – 0

Yeah, there’s a shocker.  Apparently there were three female Special Agents at the Bureau when Hoover took control in 1924.  He forced two of them to resign immediately.  The third resigned in 1928.  After that there were no female Special Agents until after Hoover’s death in 1972.

So there you go!  Some fun facts about the FBI to share with friends and loved ones.  Thank you all for playing, and I hope you had some fun.  And once again – CONGRATULATIONS CRISTINA!


Here are references for the answers in the quiz:



  1. Cristina Genna says

    Thanks Betsy! I am super excited to read your book!