A Few Things I Learned After My Book Was Released

I was on vacation last week, so I actually had time to think. Thinking time has been at a premium for the past couple of months, but last week I was able to reflect on some of ย the things I’ve learned now that my book has been released.

As you may, or may not, know, my romantic suspense novel, HOLD ME, came out on 9/5/11, so it’s been roaming free in the wilds for a month now. And as you may, or may not, know, this is the first time I’ve had a book published. So there have been a lot of new things to absorb.

Anyway, here are some random thoughts about what I’ve learned, in no particular order of importance.

  • People actually read my book (and are reading it). I was kind of surprised by that. I’m not sure why I was surprised, because people reading it is kind of the point of publication. Anyway, knowing that people were reading something I wrote, and that I had no control over who read it and who didn’t, was a new experience for me.
  • I was also surprised by what people liked and didn’t like about the book. The one issue I thought everyone would comment on has only been a problem for one or two people. Something I didn’t even consider to be an issue at all has made people very angry or very annoyed. (I’m not going to tell you what those things are because I don’t want to prejudice anyone who might be reading the book).
  • The bad reviews have been more valuable than the good reviews in pointing out weaknesses and things I should watch out for in the future. I don’t enjoy reading them, and sometimes they make me sad, but I’m trying to learn from them. ย They also helped me to come to terms with why I write in the first place. ย Because if I’m only writing because I want people to like me, I’m going to have a rough road ahead.
  • Social media IS the great time waster. It is also VERY easy in the social media world to think that you’re more important than you really are. Well, okay, we’re all important, but I mean it’s easy to believe that you’re more above-average than you really are. Basically, we’re all schmoes.
  • If you have a vague notion for a series, plot it all out first because DANG it’s hard to back into your thought processes once the book is finished.
  • You may find support where you least expect it. But you may also find that the reality of the fact that you’ve taken a step forward in your life startles people and makes them back off.
  • Being published does not make you a writer. Only writing makes you a writer. Being published just means that people you don’t know are reading what you’ve written.

So, there you go. I’m back at work tomorrow, so all deep reflective thought shall cease for at least a couple of days while I scramble out from under a pile of papers. LOL ๐Ÿ˜€



  1. Great post Betsy! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! I still have a hard time letting anyone but my instructors ready my writing ๐Ÿ™‚

    Bravo for trying to learn from the bad reviews. That can not be an easy thing to do.

    Now i’m going to go look up your book ๐Ÿ™‚ my library always needs a new book ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Betsy Horvath says

      @Doris: @Doris: Thanks, Doris! It just is so very strange that people I don’t know are reading stuff I wrote. I mean, they actually are. I’m not sure I really thought about that part before I was published. LOL And I’m TRYING to learn from the bad reviews. But I have to admit that I don’t go looking for them to read. HAHAHAHA! ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Ok got you down loaded. Your book is up after the one I am reading now ๐Ÿ™‚