- Do not help with the household chores.
- Occasionally use the rug as toilet paper – especially if the rug is light in color.
- Watch to see where you habitually walk with bare feet. Then they cough up a hairball in that exact spot.
- Enjoy nibbling on a houseplant now and again. Then their stomachs rebel. Violently. In the path where you habitually walk with bare feet.
- Can fly if they really want to reach a high perch, catch a bug, or are determined to pull down a stack of books and magazines.
- Can be immovable if they so choose.
- Can have a hundred arms, legs, paws, claws and teeth when you try to stuff them into a carrier
- Seek out the fabric-covered surface in your house that is the hardest to clean and the exact opposite in color to that of their fur. Then they lay upon it routinely. And shed.
- Call for you when they want you to come to them and become impatient if you do not obey quickly enough.
- Enjoy grooming your hair and face in the middle of the night when you are asleep.
- Like to stand on your lap and stick their butts in your face. Especially if you are eating something at the time.
- Lay on the computer keyboard to get attention.
- Purr
- Love you. Mostly.
- Rule.
Interestingly, my greyhound also does the first four. Except substitute hairball for “chunks of the pencil that he ate that morning.”
Cute post!
@P. Kirby: Oh….ewwwwwww…. hahahahaha! 😀
HAHAh All so very true! You forgot one though. Hog the bed in the middle of the night 😉
@Doris Jennings: OH, so true! And then they will NOT move, so you wake up stiff and disgruntled. LOL 😀
My cat loves this blog post. 🙂
@Angela Campbell: My cats were staring at me when I wrote it. I think they wanted to contribute. But that’s the one thing I have over them – opposable thumbs. They find typing difficult. LOL 😀