The Story of “Joey Balone”

In honor of the Curiosity rover landing on Mars earlier this week, I thought I would share the story of “Joey Balone” from the Little Betsy files. I’m pretty sure I meant “Joey Baloney”.

This was written at the beginning of third grade when I was 8. It might be a little hard to read from a .jpg, so I’ve typed the full text after the photo, preserving the original spelling for full impact.

And away we go!



Joey Balone is a space man.  He lives on pluto.  A planet far far away.  He is 24.  His mother and father are 44.  Popeple on pluto live longer becuse years go by faster.  One day Joey decied to go exploring.  As he was walking along he saw a strang rocket ship go by.  Joey thot it would be inchisting to buld a rocket ship like that.  It took him monthes and monthes to build it but finaly Joey was finshed.  He dident know how well it worked so Joey decided to give it a test.

After the test Joey was shore that it worked.  So he went out after he ate.  He dident know where to go so he just thout that he’d go for a spin.  Just as he got in a metereright storm blew up!  Poor Joey!  He dident know where he was!  He dident he was going!  But otherwise he exsied!  But he wasent very when he finaly laned.  Boy, was he scared!  he looked and looked at this new land.


Then he looked at his space ship.  It was all banged up.  It had a dent in the side so Joey gave up he would have to make friends with these peopele.  Then he saw a little girl and boy.  They were tiwns.  When they saw him they ran to him and made friends.  Joey thoat he would live with them.  So he did!

And That the story of Joey Bolone.

The End

Happy new year

Boy oh Boy, am I tired!


And there you go – the full and unabridged story of Joey Balone.  Happy New Year!  Boy oh boy, am I tired!


  1. Great previois blogs…..and I spell just as bad today AZ you did then….lol