An Ode To My New Roof

Construction ClipartOh, my ducklings, it’s has been such a hectic couple of weeks here at the Palatial Horvath Estate! Many things hit all at once, but a goodly portion of my time has been consumed by the choosing of a contractor for, figuring out how to pay for, and surviving the installation of, my new roof. Let us hope it was necessary and really does solve the issues.  No, no!  I’m SURE it was necessary!

Anyway, since they say to write what you know, I proudly present my latest poem: An Ode To My New Roof. Yes, I expect the call telling me I’m the nation’s new poet laureate any day now.



An Ode to My New Roof


O new roof, O new roof
Over my head
Please keep me dry
While I lie in my bed

When it is raining
Please keep it outside,
Along with sleet and with snow
And the random mudslide.

Hurricane season
Is once again here,
I expect plagues of locusts
In October this year.

But there’s no need to panic –
I’ll be safe and warm.
My roof fends off locusts
Coming to swarm.

Yes, one of the roofers
Shot himself in the shoe,
And pounding above me
Made me unglued

And roof let me tell you,
You ate up my cash,
But I know in my heart,
That you’re built to last

So new roof, my new roof,
On top of my home,
I am so glad I can
Call you my own!


Before I forget – on Thursday, September 26th, my book HOLD ME, will be featured on the Carina Press site for “Throwback Thursday”! More information then! Unless they’ve changed their minds! Then I’ll just pretend I never mentioned it!
