Let’s see….
*Betsy pushes open door to Harry’s office in her brain* Hello! Is anyone here?
Betsy! Dollface! Come on in. *Harry lounges on top of his gerbil habitat tower browsing through his gPad*
Is Muse here too? *Betsy comes further into the office* Oh, there she is. *Waves at muse*
Hi, Betsy! *Muse waves back from where she sits on the worn sofa* Oh, and you brought Coffee! Hi, honey!
Bon jour, mon petite. *Coffee saunters over to the Muse and kisses her hand* How might I…serve you? Heh, heh, heh
Oh, Coffee. *Muse flutters her eyelashes and titters* You know I like you sweet and light.
Sheesh, you guys can make anything sound dirty. *Betsy drops onto the sofa next to the Muse and settles back with a sigh*
Well, I am a romance writing fool, after all. *Muse accepts a mug of coffee from Coffee and sips* Perfect, darling.
Mon amour…. *Coffee breathes his scent under the Muse’s nose*
Stop it! *Betsy covers her eyes*
You’re the one who got us together. *Muse sips* Speaking of getting together, why are we here?
*Betsy drops hands* *Looks around* I was hoping Skipper could make it too.
No worries. *Harry holds up his gPad* She had a New Years Resolution Emergency Planning Meeting, but I’m filming it for her.
Oh. *Betsy looks suspiciously at gPad* Okay. As long as it doesn’t end up on YouTube.
Trust me. *Harry smiles* Now GuideTube, maybe…
Shut up. *Betsy shrugs* Whatever, I guess. Anyway, I just wanted to get together to kind of, well, wrap up the year.
*Coffee comes over to her and pours another mug of himself* *Hands it to Betsy* It was ze best of ze times, it was ze worst of ze times.
Would you knock off the French accent. *Betsy sips* Ahhhhh…nice
Thank you. I do try.
What’s that accent? British roast? *Betsy frowns* I didn’t know there was such a thing.
*Coffee smiles* No, darling. I’m Premium today.
*Betsy sighs* Anyway, you’re right. 2014 started off really badly.
*Muse reaches over and pats Betsy’s hand* But it’s ending on a good note, at least writing-wise.
Yeah, Skipper’s gonna have a few things to say to you about some of your habits, though. *Harry holds up gPad again* And she’s watching. She knows when you’re sleeping, knows when you’re awake, she knows when you’re eating ice cream.
She sounds like a creeper. *Betsy waves that away* Anyway. Today I really wanted to just talk about the writing.
Okay. *Harry props gPad up against side of tower* *Pulls a notepad and pen out of a fold of his fur* *Flips notepad open* *Holds up pen* Shoot.
You’re going to take notes by paw? *Betsy blinks* Harry, I’m surprised at you.
I’m a gerbil of many talents. *Harry shakes out fur* Okay, I know you and Muse have been meeting fairly regularly. I even felt a tingle in my tail the other day. I think it might be shortening.
*Coffee blinks* Your tail felt like butter or another fat used to make pastries or bread?
*Harry rolls eyes* Not shortening like you’d bake with, caffeine-brain. Shortening as in getting shorter. *Waves paw towards his back end* Like maybe it’s getting ready to transform into a rabbit tail.
*Muse leans back on sofa* And that’s a good thing?
Honey, I’m so close to white hare status I can almost taste it. *Flicks paw at Betsy* Come on, doll. Talk to me. Take me home to the carrot patch.
Um, okay. *Betsy looks at the Muse* So, “Handling It” is finished, right?
Yup. *The Muse takes a lollipop out of a pocket and sucks* *Pulls it out of her mouth again with a pop* We just have to read it through quickly and send it to the editor. *Points at Betsy with lollipop* By January 3rd. You promised.
I know. *Betsy makes note in her own notepad* We need to make sure it ties in with “Believing It” now that “Believing It”’s first draft is finished.
The first draft is finished? *Harry looks over the reading glasses he is suddenly wearing*
Pretty much. *Betsy glances at Muse, who shrugs* There are a few scenes I know I’ll need to add, but I’m calling the first draft done. I’ll add in the missing scenes when I’m working on the second draft.
Like the sex scene. *The Muse grins at Coffee* Hubba hubba
We’re at about 48,000 words, and we’ll probably end up at around 50-52,000. That’s the size of one of those little Harlequins they sell in racks at the Walmart, so it’s longer than I thought it would be, but I’m good with it.
Good, good. *Harry scribbles* When are you aiming to have that one finished.
*Betsy glances at the Muse again* Well, we want to have it completely finished by the end of January.
*Harry quirks eyebrows at her* Ambitious.
*Betsy shrugs helplessly* Yeah, especially since I want to keep writing new words on other projects while I’m in the editing process. I’ll just do the best I can.
As long as you keep at it, we’ll make it. *The Muse leans forward to pat Betsy’s knee*
What are the other projects? *Harry frowns* We really need to get moving on the newsletter thing, you know.
I know. *Betsy chews her bottom lip* I know what I want to do, so I’ll be working on that and planning out “Finding It” and “Facing It” while I’m finishing up “Believing It”.
That seems–
*Betsy, Harry and Muse all look up and around the brain*
Blogosphere? Is that you? *Betsy clasps hands to breast* Have you remembered me again?
Never mind him. *Harry adjusts his glasses* About the newsletter—
Oh, but I have answer. *Betsy bounces up and down* I’m going to blog once a week and be more consistent in keeping to that schedule
Tell him what we’ve come up with for the first posts. *Muse nudges Betsy’s knee*
Well. *Betsy looks at Muse for confidence* We’ve got some posts written where we go through how I seem to be writing, and then we’re going to analyze it.
No, no. *Betsy sits forward* Looking at my own process has already helped me. And it should be entertaining. I hope.
Okay. *Harry stands* We need to wrap up this wrap up. Are we ready to head into 2015? Are we ready to CRUSH this new year?
*Betsy, Muse and Coffee throw fists into the air* We are!
*Harry jumps up and down* Then let’s go DO THIS THING!
YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Betsy, Muse, Coffee, and Harry all run out of brain.
To be continued…