Reflections on Spring

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs I looked around the Palatial Horvath Estate this afternoon, I saw flowers starting to push their way through the ground and buds on the trees.  The forsythia are taking on their yellow-green color, which means they’ll be blooming soon.


It seems like the world’s been frozen and snow-covered forever.  We had 10 inches of snow just two weeks ago.  And yet now everything’s starting to grow again.  To be alive again.  One day you look around and everything appears dead.  The next it all changes.  The world comes back to life and you don’t even know when it happened.

Although generally speaking I like winter, I was really starting to feel as though this one would never end.  I thought I would always be shoveling snow and dealing with ice.  That I would never be warm again.  That it would always be dark.  But today the pussy willows are starting to bloom and the sun is shining and the cardinals are eating at the feeders, getting ready to be parents in a couple of weeks.

I’ve come to realize I’ve been living through my own internal winter.  I don’t know how long it’s lasted, only that it seemed like it would never end.  I’ve been so bitterly tired, carrying my exhaustion around with me like luggage, wearing it like a coat.  Just putting one foot in front of the other, trying to cope with the demands and obstacles.  Not thinking, only reacting to circumstances.

But then suddenly today the pussy willows are blooming.  The birds are at the feeders.  The sun is shining.  And I feel…hope.

It’s time to wake up.