Hello, my dears! My, but it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, hasn’t it? Sorry about that. One reason I’ve been delayed is that I keep thinking I’ll write a funny little story-post with the Muse and Harry and Skipper and all the rest. Then time slips away and I don’t do it. This […]
Trust And Production
I have trust issues. I also usually have issues when I’m editing a book. These two things are not unrelated. I’ve realized that I always get hung up in the editing process of a book because I don’t trust myself, which in turn makes me doubt my work. In the past, this has meant I […]
Writing In The Midst Of Difficult Times
Every once in a while, something happens that pulls back the veil of the illusion of your life and shows you what’s really going on. You’re moving along, you’re comfortable, you think you’ve got it all under control, and then – boom. Life bitch slaps you. You get the legs knocked right out from under […]
Putting Coffee In The Friendzone
As we join Betsy, she is sitting behind her desk in her office in her brain, waiting. She’s known that she needed to have this conversation for weeks, but she kept putting it off, hoping against hope she wouldn’t have to go there. After all, how can she friendzone someone she loves so very much? […]
I Get Knocked Down, I Get Up Again
When last we heard from Betsy, she was sounding very determined. And then she vanished from the face of the earth for several weeks. If you know anything about Betsy, you know that this is definitely not a good sign. Why it’s almost as if she was trying to ignore flaws and cracks and crevices […]
Simplifying Objectives
As I’ve mentioned before, one can have a production schedule. One can have the best darned production schedule in the history of production schedules. One can have dreams and aspirations. One can have goals. But if one gets what was either the Head Cold From Hell or a sinus infection, one is not going to […]