There, And Back Again

My dears, I have climbed the mountain this week. I chipped at the rock of Amazon Kindle, breaking off enough pieces to give me toeholds so I could start scaling the sheer cliff face. I pored through the underbrush of Kobo, slithering into the hidden clearing, pushing my way through despite the thorns piercing my skin. I was almost […]

“Handling It” Is LIVE!

My angels, my darlings, my little treasures sent from heaven, I’m pleased to tell you that my book, Handling It, is LIVE!!!!!   Hooray!!!!!  It can now be purchased on all of the Amazon Kindle stores and on the Kobo store.  It will be available on iBooks in the next couple of days (I hope). […]

It’s Always Something

Hello, my friends! I thought I would give you a quick update on how things are going as I walk the rocky path to the publication for my book, Handling It.  Now that I’ve made a commitment to a date and all. And that date’s coming right along. Yup. Right along. Pretty soon. Preeetttyy goldarned soon. […]

Making It So

Previously on Betsy’s blog…. Betsy has announced that she is going to be publishing her next book on June 22nd. Harry, Betsy’s Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author, has called all hands on deck to make sure Betsy doesn’t back out or screw up in another, as yet unknown, way. When […]

All Hands On Deck

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Betsy has made a decision.  I know, but it’s true!  She is going to publish her book and it will be out in eBook form on June 22nd!  It WILL goldarnit!  As you may know, Betsy has a Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author-entrepreneur. Although most seekers on […]

“Handling It” Cover Reveal!

I’m sure there are some of you out there who thought it would never happen. Heck, I didn’t know if it would happen. But here it is! The cover of my new book!   Not everything in life is “business as usual.” This is definitely not a good time for Hannah Frederickson to be having […]