The Story Of A First Draft (Part Two)

If you joined us for Part One of The Story of a First Draft, you know that the Muse came to Betsy in the darkness of her mind.  Well, Betsy’s mind is generally dark (and somewhat blank), but in this case the darkness represented the story she is about to write before the writing began. […]

The Story Of A First Draft (Part One)

As noted in the previous blog post, Betsy and the Muse have been taking a good hard look at how Betsy writes.  They figured that if they could see what Betsy is actually doing in her writing process, they might be able to improve it and speed things up at little bit.  After all, Betsy needs to […]

Wrap Party

Betsy, Harry (the white gerbil who is the Guide for her Quest), and the Muse have decided to get together to reach out and touch base and create synergy heading into 2015. Where does Betsy stand with her writing? What are her goals for the new year? Is her Muse having an affair with Coffee? […]

Progress? Yes! Progress!

Hello there!  Well, it’s been – *checks calendar* – EEEP!  two months since the last time I’ve blogged.  Shocking, but true.  But this time I’ve been silent because I’ve been making some…wait for it…wait for it… Progress!  Yes, I said Progress!  Granted, it’s been a shambling zombie-like run towards progress, my arms outstretched, bits and […]

Birthin’ Galaxies

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Betsy suffered a bit of a meltdown on her path to indie authorpreneurship and was sidetracked by her deep and passionate love of baked goods.  When last we met, Harry, the white gerbil who is the Guide for her Quest, lectured Betsy quite severely about the importance of maintaining her health. […]

Taken To The Woodshed

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… As we saw in the last post, Betsy has apparently fallen into the den of her own iniquity by eating inappropriately for her diabetic condition.  Again.  In a big way.  When Harry, the Guide for Betsy’s Quest, and the Muse discuss this, Harry promises to have a little chat with Betsy.  After […]