A few days ago, I lost one of my very close friends to cancer. I have had the privilege of knowing and loving this woman and her family for many years, so the loss is keenly felt. This is especially true because she is probably the reason I’m writing this blog post, and indeed am […]
A New Hardy Falls Story is Available!
As I mentioned in my previous blog post, the novella I wrote last year and talked about frequently–nay, incessantly–here on the blog has FINALLY come out! My little boulder is all grown up and flying free in the world. Er, rolling free! Roll, little boulder! Roll! Starting Something is a Hardy Falls story FREE for […]
My Current State
Hello, friends! This is just a quick blog post to let you know what’s been going on around here at the Palatial Horvath Estate over the past few months, lest you think the answer to that is “nothing,” which has sometimes been the case in the past. As I hinted in last week’s post, I […]
Unknotting The Knots
You may be interested to know that one reason there hasn’t been a blog post for a few weeks is because, amazingly enough, Betsy actually IS working. But it turned out that the work she was doing had gotten all tangled and snarled, like a ball of thread that had become hopelessly knotted. Then one […]
Stuck and Unstuck
When we last left Betsy, she was shouting the plans she had for her writing business from the rooftops. But then…nothing. Hmmm. In all honesty, part of the reason for the nothingness was an extremely bad cold that hit Betsy HARD right after she made those bold proclamations. Bad colds have a tendency to do […]
Planning, Planning, Planning
Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome to 2019! Goodbye, 2018 and don’t let the door hit you in the rear on the way out! Okay, okay. 2018 wasn’t all bad. No year is. In fact, in a lot of ways, 2018 was a very GOOD year. People I love started new lives, got married, graduated, found […]