Hello, friends! This is just a quick blog post to let you know what’s been going on around here at the Palatial Horvath Estate over the past few months, lest you think the answer to that is “nothing,” which has sometimes been the case in the past. As I hinted in last week’s post, I […]
Back Again
Hello, my dears! My, but it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, hasn’t it? Sorry about that. One reason I’ve been delayed is that I keep thinking I’ll write a funny little story-post with the Muse and Harry and Skipper and all the rest. Then time slips away and I don’t do it. This […]
Starting Again
My friends, today I’d like to share a great secret with all of you. You can have as many ideas and good intentions as you want. You can have goals and dreams and freaking aspirations. You can give yourself pep talks. You can have a production schedule. You can even actually write things down on […]
The Importance Of A Production Schedule
Although I love the holiday season, I’m a HUGE fan of January 1st. That’s when the new year stretches out before us unsullied by our footsteps. What will happen in 2017? What will we accomplish? Anything is possible. But, as with everything else, possibilities only become realities if we actually do the work to make […]
It’s Good To Have Goals
As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’ve become quite introspective here at the end of the year regarding my author business. Or lack thereof. This introspection has led me to think about my reasons for doing this writing thing (again) and to identify a primary objective for what I want to achieve with […]
Just Chillin’
As you may, or may not, know, Betsy is on a Quest to become a successful independent author / entrepreneur. Her Guide on this Quest is a white gerbil named Harry, who lives in her brain and annoys her on a regular basis. Betsy has been known to yammer about goals and objectives here on […]