Dueling With The Blogosphere
May 22, 2012 by
Blogosphere. Betsy. En garde! *slash* *clatter* *slash* *parry parry* *jab jab jab* You’re amazing, Blogosphere. Thank you. I’ve studied *duck* hard to become so. *parry parry thrust* Tell me why we’re fighting again? Oops! *Blogosphere throws sword in air* *sommersaults off rock to ground below* *catches sword as it falls from sky* Because. *Betsy throws […]
The Anniversary Post
March 29, 2012 by
*music plays softly in background* *candles flicker* Come here, Blogosphere! *No answer* Oh, Blogosphere! *Still no answer* Ohhh baaabbyyy…my sweet baaabbbbyyy….you’re the one… What!?! Sweet God, stop singing! Hello, Blogosphere. What do you want? And why are you wearing cropped pants that are way too tight? Well, love is strange. *swishes side to side* Do […]
A Betsy’s Blog Christmas Party
December 20, 2011 by
“Christ-mas is coming! The goose is getting FAAATTTT–“ Blogosphere? “Please to put a penny in the old man’s HAAAAATTTTTT–“ Blogosphere! “If you have no penny, a ha’ penny will DOOOOOOOOOO….” Blogosphere! Shut up for a minute! What? Oh, hey. How’s it going? What are you doing up on that ladder? What does it look like […]