Maybe, probably not, but maybe, you will recall that I’ve been sporadically writing a series here on the blog about five words that I am using to try to build the house I am making for my life. These words are not goals in and of themselves. They are more like signposts, or structure, or […]
Independence – Find Your Own Way
As you may, or may not, know, I’ve been writing a series of blog posts on five words I’ve identified as sort of sign posts for my life. These words are not goals in and of themselves. Instead they are the building blocks of the house I want to live in. Hmmm… Maybe the analogy […]
Strength – Say Yes to Life
As you may know if you’ve read the blog recently, I’ve come up with five words to use to help give my life some direction. These words are not goals in themselves, but they are guidelines I can use to help me make decisions and set priorities. They are identification markers for what I think […]
Energy – Build a Strong Foundation
As I mentioned in my blog post two weeks ago, I’ve been reflecting lately on the puzzle pieces of my life and how to put those pieces together to make the best picture for myself. It’s hard, because to know how the pieces fit together, you have to know how to assign priorities. You have […]
Puzzle Pieces and Five Words
Sometimes I feel like my life is a giant jigsaw puzzle with all sorts of puzzle pieces scattered on the floor around me. The challenge is putting those puzzle pieces together to make some sort of a picture. Which means there’s a lot of trial and error involved to find out how they fit. Sometimes […]