The Quest Begins

Our story thus far…. Mavis, Betsy’s inner Mary-Poppins-like career consultant sent by the International Muse Council, has determined that Betsy will be too much work. However, before she flies off into the sunset, she provides Betsy with another Guide – a white gerbil named Harry. Yes, whereas in mythology most seekers setting out on life-altering […]

Mavis Returns

As we resume our story, we find Betsy wandering aimlessly through her brain, wondering if Mavis, the elderly Mary-Poppins-like career consultant who visited her on Wednesday as a voice in her head sent by the International Muse Council (see this post for details), will return as promised…. *singing* OOOOO Super-california-licious-blah-blah-ala-docious! Super– Hello, dear. Mavis, you came back! […]


Hello, dear. I…hello?  Who are you? I’m Mavis, dear. No…I mean…it’s nice to meet you, but who ARE you?  And why are you talking to me? I’m a consultant, dear. I have a consultant who’s a voice in my head. Yes, dear. Wow.  I’m more screwed up than I thought I was.  I mean, can […]

Betsy Builds A Snowman…er…Blog Post

  Blogosphere? *silence* Blogosphere,  I know you’re there.  *touches door closed in her face* *crickets chirp* I had a good excuse for not blogging this time.  I did.  It was a very rough winter. *wind whistles through trees* I honestly didn’t have the time to blog. *echoes* blooog blooog blooog Blogosphere?  I really miss you. […]