When last we left Betsy and her blog, she was musing about word “can’t”. But what has she done with those thoughts? Is she moving forward? And if she is, why is she lounging on a grassy meadow beside a large, placid lake in her mind? And why are the others helping her on her […]
Trusting The Muse
When last we left Betsy, she was riding high after publishing her latest book, having survived trials, tribulations, and the obsessive urge to press the “publish” button over and over again. She was even starting to think about taking control of the REST of her life. She was laughing, singing, and dancing in the privacy of […]
Mundane Life Tasks
When we last left Betsy, she had just published the digital version of her newest book on all platforms and was working diligently on the print version. But publishing, as you might expect, sucks up a lot of time. What about all of the other little things you have to do in life? What about […]
Panic, Planning, and Publishing
Previously on Betsy’s blog… Betsy has just published her third book, Believing It, and the publishing experience was more than a little stressful. Part of that has to do with the fact she decided to put the book out right when she was scrambling to finish her taxes. But it was also stressful because Betsy can […]
Just Chillin’
As you may, or may not, know, Betsy is on a Quest to become a successful independent author / entrepreneur. Her Guide on this Quest is a white gerbil named Harry, who lives in her brain and annoys her on a regular basis. Betsy has been known to yammer about goals and objectives here on […]
The Next Generation
Previously on Betsy’s blog – Betsy, as you may know, is on a Quest to become a successful independent author. Harry, as you may also know, is her Guide on this Quest. He is a white gerbil with hopes of one day upgrading to a more traditional Quest Guide form. Maybe a white rabbit, or […]