Start Again

Uh oh.  We haven’t heard from Betsy in quite a while.  That can’t be good.  What in the world has been going on with her?  Has she fallen down a rabbit hole again? Let’s see….   *Betsy sits alone in an empty room* *A Dark Voice echoes against the walls* Food…spend…eat…you know you want to… No. […]

Trust and Rewriting

*Betsy sits at her desk*  *Taps fingers on keyboard*  *Chews lip*  *Looks around room*  *Opens computer file* Whatcha doing? *Betsy jumps*  *Straightens in her chair*  Muse?  Is that you? Who else?  *Muse pets cats*  *Cats do not claw, but purr and roll over to allow Muse to pet their bellies* *Muse walks over to Betsy* *Props […]

Getting Concrete Part 2

Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Betsy has been meeting with Skipper, a chipmunk who happens to be the best goldarned Habit and Goal Implementation Specialist the Muse Council has to offer.  In the last post, Skipper broke the news that just coming up with the fuzzy, overarching objective of “I want to write a lot of […]

Getting Concrete, Part 1

When we last left Betsy’s Blog, Betsy was meeting with Skipper – chipmunk extraordinaire and Habit Implementation Specialist.  Skipper has been getting quite impatient waiting for Betsy to get off her butt and move forward (in which Skipper is not alone), and decided a little quality face-time was in order. Although Skipper seemed to be knocking […]

The Big Picture

As you may (or may not) know (or care), Betsy is once again striving to set goals and develop habits that will at long last move her life forward.  But in order to do this, she first needs to identify her overall objective.  Her Big Picture, if you will.  The thing towards which the goals and […]

Objectives, Part 2

Ladies and Gentlemen!  Welcome to… Betsy’s! Got! Objectives!  Part 2. (here’s part 1) *thunderous applause*  First, let’s meet our cast of characters.  *music starts playing* He’s a white gerbil trying to climb the Quest Guide ladder and he needs Betsy to get moving towards becoming a successful independent author.  He’s… Harry! *music swells* *applause*  Next, […]