Betsy’s starship is lurching around the galaxy. THE book she’s been working on for endless millennium has been released into the wild. So what’s next? What path will Betsy traverse? What mountain will she climb? Will she lounge upon her sofa eating bon-bons? Or will she buckle down and keep moving? Let’s see…. Our […]
Making It So
Previously on Betsy’s blog…. Betsy has announced that she is going to be publishing her next book on June 22nd. Harry, Betsy’s Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author, has called all hands on deck to make sure Betsy doesn’t back out or screw up in another, as yet unknown, way. When […]
All Hands On Deck
Previously on Betsy’s Blog… Betsy has made a decision. I know, but it’s true! She is going to publish her book and it will be out in eBook form on June 22nd! It WILL goldarnit! As you may know, Betsy has a Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author-entrepreneur. Although most seekers on […]
What May Come
As we rejoin our story, we find Betsy and Harry, the white gerbil who is Betsy’s Guide on her Quest to become a successful independent author / publisher, lying on their backs in the field of waving wheat that spreads across a portion of Betsy’s brain. They are watching the sky overhead. As they watch, stars form and […]
Bawk! Business! Bawk!
Previously on Betsy’s blog… When last we left Betsy and her Muse, it seemed they were making progress towards the ultimate goal of Betsy’s Quest. Betsy had completed the first draft of her next book, and even took the time to evaluate her writing process in a relatively thoughtful manner. But something appears to have happened since last […]
The Story Of A First Draft (Part Three)
Previously on Betsy’s Blog… In Part One of The Story of a First Draft, the Muse gave Betsy the beginning situation of her story and showed her a spotlight shining on the ending off in the distance in the darkness of Betsy’s brain. Together, the Muse and Betsy came up with a vision of the path […]